August 15th 1945, was the day Japan surrendered to the Allied Forces, and the Second World War came to an end. That was the first time Japanese people could hear the voice of Emperor Hirohito on the radio, when he announced that Japan had lost the war. This day is now called “Shusen-Kinenbi” that means the day of the end of World War Ⅱ in Japan, and many events are held in Japan on this day to memorialize those who died in the war.
終戦記念日-The memorial day for the end of the World Ward Ⅱin Japan
Emperor decided to accept the Potsdam Proclamation, in August 14 the Japanese Government sent the notification to the Allied Forces. At noon on August 15, the Emperor Hirohito announced on the radio that the World War Ⅱwas over to all Japanese nation. On September 2, on the American Military ship, the Missouri, in Tokyo Bay, the Japanese government and representatives in the Military signed the surrender document. Finally the War that had been for 4 years was over.
The bellow is the regulation decided by the Japanese Diet in April 13th, 1982.
- 趣旨 先の大戦において亡くなられた方々を追悼し平和を祈念するため、「戦没者を追悼し平和を祈念する日」を設ける。(For those who died in this war, it should be held event for pray for piece.)
- 期日 毎年8月15日とする。(Every year the event day should be on the 15th of August.)
- 行事 政府は、「戦没者を追悼し平和を祈念する日」に、昭和38年[1963年]以降毎年実施している全国戦没者追悼式を別紙のとおり引き続き実施する。
- 全国戦没者追悼式の実施について
- 全国戦没者追悼式は、天皇皇后両陛下の御臨席を仰いで、毎年8月15日、日本武道館において実施する。(The national memorial day should be with the Imperial couple in every August of 15. )
- 本式典における戦没者の範囲及び式典の形式は、昭和56年(1981年)の式典と同様とする。(The format and range for those who died in this war should be the same as those of in 1981.
- 本式典には、全国から遺族代表を国費により参列させる。(Representative attendants should be at national expense.)
- 式典当日は、官衛等国立の施設には半旗を掲げることとし、地方公共団体等に対しても同様の措置をとるよう勧奨するとともに、本式典中の一定時刻において、全国民が一斉に黙とうするよう勧奨する。 (National flag should be lower to half-staff in all public facilities over Japan, and Japanese commemorate those people by a moment of silence.) (Wikipediaより一部抜粋)
- 全国戦没者追悼式の実施について
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